Sleep Solutions

Toddler+ Plans

18 months to 11 years old

Let’s stop the stalling, protesting and fighting that comes with every bedtime.

I work with exhausted, frustrated, stressed parents like you whose love for your children knows no bounds. The only problem is your child stalls, protests and fights going to bed at night, has many night wakings, wakes too early in the morning, and often napping is a struggle or non existent.

You have tried it all to help your sweet child get the sleep she needs, and nothing has worked. Your child just will not go to sleep! You are sleep deprived and frustrated that nothing is working, leaving you at your wit’s end, not sure where to turn next. And your child is cranky!

Together, we will teach your child independent healthy sleep habits, so she can fall asleep quickly and easily at bedtime after a loving bedtime routine, without stalling and fighting. Your child will learn to sleep through the night, and wake feeling happy and well-rested at an appropriate time of the morning, plus taking great, reliable naps (if age appropriate).

Your child will get the sleep she needs for her growth, development, happiness and overall well-being. You, as the parent, will get the sleep you need so you can be patient, do well at work, be a good parent and partner, and enjoy your child in each stage of life.

Sleep is not a luxury. It is a vital function that is essential for every single one of us. Our bodies cannot function properly without sleep.


Does any of this sound like your life? If so, you are not alone. These are the things I hear from parents everyday, and I’ve been there too. Your search for a solution ends here. With a Chasing Dreams Sleep plan, we’ll see a dramatic improvement to your child’s sleep in just a few nights. Sleep is on it’s way!


Does this sound familiar?

• One more sip of water, one more potty, one more book, one more, one more, one more!

• Your child stalls, fights and protests bedtime like it’s her job.

• She will not stay in her bed.

• It can take hours to get your child to sleep.

• Your child will only fall asleep with you sitting by her side, touching her, laying in bed with her, or having you do whatever she decides.

• Being woken up every time you finally manage to fall asleep.

• You’ve resorted to your child sleeping in your bed, even though no one is getting any kind of quality sleep, and you aren’t happy with this solution.

• You are at your wit’s end, and not knowing what to do, having tried everything.

• Only one parent can put your child to sleep, your child fights harder when someone else tries.

• Your child wakes multiple times per night, and needs you to put her back to sleep each time.

• Her nap is short, or non existent, despite knowing she’s exhausted, she and you are left feeling tired and cranky.

• You are concerned that your child isn’t getting the sleep she needs for her health, development and well-being.

• Your child is often cranky, gets frustrated easily, and can be very clingy from being so tired. She struggles to enjoy fun activities.

• You are struggling with your own lack of sleep, feeling physically and mentally drained, having no relaxation time, and a lack of quality time with your partner.

Talking is the next step…

Schedule a complimentary phone evaluation to discuss your sleep obstacles and see if services are a good fit for your family.


This is the exact reason I created my customized sleep program, to take you from being an exhausted, frustrated, cranky parent trying to manage an overtired child. It’s time to be a well-rested, happy, calmer, more patient mom to a happier child, having the time to relax and enjoy life with your child sleeping through the night and taking a nice long nap.


Can you imagine this?

• Kissing your child goodnight after a peaceful bedtime routine, lay him in his bed awake, he peacefully falls asleep on his own, sleeping until morning.

• Your entire family getting a good night of sleep, waking feeling happy and refreshed each day.

• No nap time battles.

• Having a reliable daytime schedule, with your child taking good naps, being rested and in a good mood.

• Being able to have other people put your child down to sleep so you can enjoy a night out.

• Finally getting the sleep you need, and having the patience to be the best parent you can be!

• Having your evenings back for yourself – however you spend your free time!

Not sure if one-on-one is for you?

Take advantage of my online offerings! Reserve a spot in the next Sleep Webinar, to help your child learn lifelong sleep skills.

Toddler+ Sleep Programs

The time has come!

Take a moment and just imagine how your life would look with your children getting the sleep they need. Are you ready for bedtime to be stress-free, actually looking forward to that relaxing time with your sweet child? Are you ready for your him to fall asleep easily for naps and bedtime in his bed, on his own, after a soothing, loving pre-bed routine… Without all the negative fighting, stalling and protesting that can plague a family?

Work With Chasing Dreams…

Learn why your child is waking multiple times a night, needing your assistance to get back to sleep. Have proven, clear, easy-to-follow strategies for navigating bedtime, naptime, night wakings and any other specific issues you might be facing with your little one’s sleep. Be given a step-by-step plan to help your child fall asleep independently and stay asleep through the night so you don’t have to spend hours at bedtime getting your little one to fall asleep. Solve your child’s sleep issues, once and for all so that you’ll have peace of mind knowing your little one will sleep all night long. End the night wakings, so that you can wake in the morning well-rested and with the energy ready to take on your day.

Toddler+ Pricing

Standard Program


Preliminary Discovery Call

Sleep Intake Form & Evaluation

Two-Phased Approach to Sleep Training

Phase I Behavioral Sleep Consultation

Phase II Sleep Training Consultation

Chasing Dreams Sleep Toolkit

Written Sleep Program

3 Weeks of Private Coaching

Email Support

Scheduled Check-In Calls

Interactive Sleep Log

Daily Voxer Messaging Support

Graduation Phone Call

Chasing Dreams Graduation Resources Guide

Virtual Bedroom Assessment

Lifetime Access to Private Client Community


Premium Program


Everything in Standard plus…


Extended Weekday Support Hours

Night 1 Virtual Bedtime Support


Luxury Program


Everything in Premium plus…


Weekend Support Hours

2 Bonus Check-In Calls “banked” for 6 months

6 Months Extended Email Support

Updated sleep schedule over the next year

Updated interactive sleep log over the next year


Ask About Siblings Savings!

Want more information?

Toddler+ FAQs

Happy Clients

“I can’t say enough good things about Erin! My husband and I were at a breaking point with our son, who is 8 and struggled with anxiety and constant sleep disturbances. We took the leap of faith and contacted Erin to move forward. I must say it was the best decision we made.”

“I owe Erin my sanity! All 3 kids sleep through the night – 3 months, 3 years and 5 years. She has helped us during all transitions – moving, room sharing, big beds, etc. I trust her completely.”

“Erin was patient and took the time to answer my many questions. It is the best investment I have ever made. My daughter is more well behaved and a better listener now that she sleeps! We are all happier for it! Thank you, Erin, to the ends of the earth!”